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Bundle Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover Jacket + Skin Sticker + Screen Protector Ebook Accessories Combo - Fits Kindle DX Device ONLY (Released July 2010)必買

Designed to fit the Amazon Kindle DX eBook device. WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. ***Not sure if you have the Kindle DX? Please refer to the product description for more information.

Case is made out of high quality synthetic leather.

Purposely designed for individuals who prefer a thinner and lighter design.

Style up your Kindle DX with a beautiful design skin. Skin comes with a cover for the front and back surfaces as pictured. Screen part is grey out to help you visualize the original image. Skin fits well into most accessories and cases and leaves no sticky residue upon removal.

Expect to receive: (1) Synthetic Leather Case, Color: PINK, (1) Vinyl Skin (As viewed in the main photo), (1) Screen Protector for the Amazon Kindle DX ereader. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image.

Product Dimensions: 10.6 x 7.7 x 0.7 inches ; 13 ounces

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Product Description

This monster bundle deal includes: (1) Synthetic Leather Case, Color: PINK, (1) Vinyl Skin (As viewed in the main photo), (1) Screen Protector for the Amazon Kindle DX ereader. ABOUT THE COVER: Designed to fit the Amazon Kindle DX ereader device only. The exterior surface presents a leather-like textured finish. This cover features a thinner design, but still protects your Kindle DX from scratches and abrasions. Your device is securely fastened by 4 corner straps and is held close with an outside magnetic clasp. Inside the case includes compartments that you can use to hold various materials such as credit cards, id, and receipts. Color: Pink, Weight: About 8.7 oz., Dimensions: 26.9cm x 19.5cm x 1.7cm (10.6' x 7.7' x .7'). ABOUT THE SKIN: Style up your Kindle DX with a beautiful design. Skins are made up of a superb vinyl material that is environmental friendly. With the skin decal on your device - it fits well into most accessories and cases and leaves no sticky residue upon removal. The installation is simple and does not come with instructions - the skin design is pre-perforated and requires no trimming. TIP for putting on skin design: First align accurately and then slowly apply from one edge to the opposite side, eliminating minimal amount of bubbles when necessary. NOTE: Due to differences between monitor displays, actual color may vary slightly from image. This combo WILL NOT FIT: Kindle 2, Kindle 3 (aka Kindle Keyboard), Kindle 4 (Released September 28, 2011), Kindle Touch or Kindle Fire. ***INFORMATION ON THE KINDLE DX: Release Date: July 2010, Dimensions - 10.4' x 7.2' (length/width), 9.7' Black and White Screen, Built-In Keyboard.






[美國直購 ShopUSA] Bundle 皮套 Monster Kindle DX Synthetic Leather Case Cover $1489 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時





壽險業者指出,新世代女性不論單身或已婚,最重要的,還是要把自己照顧好,而且不只是 「現在」年輕的時候要過好、吃好與穿好,更重要的是,還要老得健康快樂又優雅,而在所有累積資產商品中,可以幫忙照顧年輕的自己,又能提早累積老後退休資產的商品, 就是保險,由於人生各階段責任與經濟能力不同,在保單規畫上有所不同,全球人壽以女性職場人生兩階段,提供粉領小資女與多金勝女建議。

以粉領小資女來說,首重基本保障 傷害險、傷害醫療險、定期醫療險、定期壽險。全球人壽表示,所謂的「粉領小資女」,一般定義為月薪低於 5 萬元的粉領族。若以雙十原則來看,1年保費為年薪的10分之1,代表月薪低於5萬元的粉領小資女1年純保障總繳保費低於6萬元,正因預算有限,更要把保費花在刀口上,也就是先做好基礎保障規畫,行有餘力再來規畫資產累積。

因此,全球人壽認為,粉領小資女最需要的基本保障應該包含定期壽險、傷害險、傷 害醫療險以及1年期醫療險。雖然粉領小資女可能還沒結婚,或者剛進入婚姻但沒有小孩,但還是應該要幫自己加保基本的定期壽險保障,因為定期壽險除了身故理賠,還有全殘理賠,萬一不幸發生狀況,還有理賠金照顧父母或是全殘的自己。

至於多金勝女,全球人壽指出,收入較豐的多金勝女,在擁有基本保障後,更要做「進階版」的保單規畫,尤其年過40歲的多金勝女,不論是否有先生與小孩,更要趁早幫自己做好退休健康保障規畫,田此,建議在基本保障之外,再額外幫自己加保殘扶險、重大疾病險、癌症險與終身醫療險等,在基本保障搭配進階版保障下,可幫老後的自己築起醫療及照護的雙重保障, 當自己與家人最好的依靠。

雙重保障做好後,多金勝女可以利用雙元貨幣利率變動型壽險,累積豐厚的退休金。全球人壽解釋,所謂雙元貨幣利率變動型壽險是指新台幣利率變動型壽險加上美元利率變動型壽險,組合起來就是雙元貨幣利變壽險組合,這樣搭配的好處是,可以讓資產做多元配置, 降低單一貨幣風險,而且多存一張美元保單,老後退休也可以用這張美元保單環遊世 界,讓老後生活靠自己照樣過得多采多姿。


由於俄國與土耳其在敘利亞戰事上愈來愈密切合作,蒲亭(Vladimir Putin)很快就為此事向土耳其總統艾爾段(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)致意,除了表示哀悼,並且保證會改善未來的軍事協調。







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